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SYTAR 2014
is presented by
The International
Association of
Yoga Therapists
IAYT is pleased to present our growing number of extraordinary sponsors and partners for SYTAR.2014. SYTAR Sponsors are also IAYT Suppporters and are acknolweded on the IAYT website for one year after the conference. For information on becoming a sponsor, please click on
Sponsor Benefits.
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Gold Sponsors
![]() www.mediyoga.com/ |
Mediyoga Medical Yoga has been shaped and developed by Göran Boll on Institutet Medicinsk Yoga in Stockholm. Mediyoga is a therapeutic yoga form that springs from classical Kundaliniyoga, a very old, original yoga from the north of India and Tibet. It has roots in the Tantric tradition, one of the oldest forms of yoga man knows. Into Kundaliniyogaen has Göran Boll tissue fundamental aspects of Ayurveda, the multi-millennial Indian medical art, and components from the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). |
Silver Sponsors
![]() www.viniyoga.com |
AVI is an organization of Yoga practitioners and professionals sharing core values, guided by the spirit of Viniyoga and dedicated to offering quality experiential educational and professional training opportunities in the field of health and fitness, therapy and self care and personal transformation. |
![]() www.ancientyogacenter.org |
A World Away... in the heart of the Austin Hill Country The Ancient Yoga Center provides a distinctive gathering place and supportive environment for your special programs. It is the perfect facility for Yoga and Meditation Retreats, Teacher Trainings, Workshops and all types of meetings. We have been welcoming retreat groups for over 12 years and are dedicated to managing the details, so you can focus on giving the best program possible. |
![]() www.essentialyogatherapy.com/ |
Essential Yoga Therapy has two distinct missions: One, to offer Client Based Yoga Therapy; the other to help yoga teachers
in developing skills in the arena of yoga cikitsa or yoga therapy.
![]() www.iRest.us |
The Integrative Restoration Institute is a non-profit educational foundation, which is dedicated to helping people resolve their profound suffering and experience deep healing and peace. IRI is dedicated to offering the secular teachings of nondualism through educational programs, training, classes, workshops, research and audio-visual materials. Visit us at www.irest.us. |
![]() www.iytyogatherapy.com/ |
Integrative Yoga Therapy is a pioneer and leader in the field, with training programs since 1994. IYT's unique ten step therapy process, developed by Joseph and Lilian Le Page, forms a complete healing program that is being used successfully in clinical settings. IYT's experiential approach to learning allows students to integrate in-depth information through a creative process using a wide range of Yoga tools and techniques to create therapeutic programs directed toward specific groups and for one-on-one Yoga therapy sessions. |
![]() www.muih.edu |
Maryland University of Integrative Health is an accredited graduate school with an academic and clinical focus on health and wellness. We offer a Master of Science in Yoga Therapy, as well as programs in health coaching, health promotion, nutrition, herbal medicine, and acupuncture and Oriental medicine. |
![]() www.nicoledeavilla.com/yoga-professional-academy/ |
Coming Soon! The Yoga Professional Academy will be launched at SYTAR 2014. Be among the first to offer your professional trainings or to adopt the Simplify Your Life Business and Educational Tools for Yoga Therapy Schools™ so that you can profitably spend more time “Living the Yoga Life You Love!”™ |
![]() www.pryt.com |
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy training invites personal growth and professional development through self-study and hands on practicum. PRYT is a yoga-based, client-centered modality encouraging exploration of the relationship between what’s happening in one's body and what’s happening in life. Body-centered awareness of this kind may bring about a release of physical or emotional tension leading to a better self-understanding and inner guidance that can be supportive in making life decisions. |
![]() www.texasyoga.com/ |
There is something for everyone at the Texas Yoga Retreat Weekend! The retreat features teachers from across Texas who represent many distinct styles of Yoga. Some classes are gentle and restorative; others are rigorous and will push you to your edges, and some are that delicate balance between. |
![]() www.threeminuteegg.com |
The Three Minute Egg® is ergonomically designed to work with the shape of your body. This One-Stop Yoga Prop offers an unparalleled combination of comfort, protection and support in both dynamic and restorative practices. No matter what style of yoga you enjoy, the Three Minute Egg® will add new dimensions to your practice. |
![]() www.yatna.net |
Yoga as Therapy North America (YATNA) is a provider of high quality yoga therapist trainings in the tradition of Sri T. Krishnamacharya and Mr. TKV Desikachar. Through comprehensive curriculum, practical internships and individual, one-to-one mentoring, YATNA provides a thorough grounding in the therapeutic application of yoga and its integration with allopathic medicine. Trainees also get cutting edge knowledge about modern scientific evidence and research into yoga as a therapeutic modality. |
![]() www.samata.com |
Yoga Therapy Rx is a marriage between Yoga therapy and complementary medicine. The course is designed to train Yoga teachers to be Yoga therapists and apply classical applications of Yoga for use in clinical settings to help treat common ailments and conditions. Certification through Loyola Marymount University. For more information, visit www.samata.com and click on the LMU logo. |
![]() www.yogayoga.com |
Yoga Yoga is a leader in creating programs that join the deeply respected ancient principles of yoga and yoga therapy with more modern Western medical approaches to health. Yoga Yoga’s event schedule, teacher training and therapist training programs are nationally respected for their depth and high quality. Devoted to supporting healthy lifestyle change, Yoga Yoga – in partnership with the Shanti Health Network and the Natural Epicurean Academy of Culinary Arts, the only plant-based, health-supportive cooking school in the country – believes that wellness comes through personal practice. |
![]() www.ashabrands.com |
Asha was founded by certified yoga teacher Victoria Fitzgerald. Victoria wanted to merge her business and education background with her love of yoga to integrate the two worlds while still staying true to her core values and ethics. Every company that Asha works with are also very much involved in the wellness community and come from the same place of providing amazing products and services aligned with a healthy lifestyle. Asha carries brands from all over North America and hand picks each line to provide customers with the most fantastic and unique products available. |
![]() www.ayurveda.com |
The Ayurvedic Institute is a non-profit educational organization that teaches Ayurveda based on the ancient Ayurvedic texts with emphasis on integrating Ayurveda into daily living for individuals and practitioners. Also offered are panchakarma, ayuryoga, seminars, and ayurvedic herbs and products. |
![]() |
Bridebuilders - Healthcare professionals advancing the integration of yoga therapeutics and western medicine. This group builds relationships between healthcare professionals to enhance collaboration, foster sharing and improve therapeutic outcomes. |
![]() www.doterra.com/us/ |
dōTERRA® (meaning “Gift of the Earth”) essential oils represent the safest, purest essential oils available in the world today. dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essentials oils are pure aromatic extracts, contain no artificial ingredients, and are tested to be free of contaminants (such as pesticides and chemical residues). |
![]() www |
Indian Vedic Palmistry, Numerology and Psychic Medium. |
![]() www.grdcenter.org |
Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine & Humanology: We bring the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga into modern medicine. Started under the guidance of Yogi Bhajan in 1986, we provide yoga, meditation and lifestyle instruction to people with chronic or life threatening illness, offer professional training to healthcare providers and yoga teachers, and track the medical effects of yoga practice. |
![]() www.yogafordepression.com |
The LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute is dedicated to supporting optimum mental health and wellbeing through the application of Yoga-based skills by trained LifeForce Yoga Practitioners who are yoga and mental health professionals, serving individuals and groups in Yoga and clinical settings. LFYH conducts on-going research on yoga and mental health and offers professional trainings, workshops, books, evidence-based practices on award-winning DVDs, CDs, downloads, and a free newsletter on Yoga research and news at www.yogafordepression.com |
Living Bhakti LLC
http://mariagarre.com/ |
Living Bhakti School offers a wide range of educational resources, trainings, and retreats global to inspire and advance both your personal and professional needs. We provide both on-line and live programming in Ayurveda, Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Jyotisha, Herbology and Vedic Philosophy. Our faculty includes a wide range of experts and leaders within each field to bring you cutting edge and accessible education. |
![]() www.naturalepicurean.com/ |
The Natural Epicurean Academy of Culinary Arts is a plant-based, health-supportive chef training program focused on five core modalities: Classical Vegetarian, Macrobiotic, Vegan Foods, Raw and Living Foods and Ayurvedic Foods. We embrace a holistic view of health that takes physical, energetic, mental, emotional, societal and environmental influences into consideration and believe diet can enhance health on all these levels. The Natural Epicurean emphasizes a broad foundation in diet and nutrition while teaching the skills necessary to make cooking a career. The school also offers a range of programs for continuing education and personal development, in a variety of formats. |
![]() www./ |
KaivalyaDham has a spiritual heart, and is active in yoga education, publishing, scientific research, philosophical research, and the therapeutic aspects of yoga. We also offer panchkarma, naturopathy and various yoga therapy and healing programs. |
Piel Canela Peru Fair Trade Organization |
Peru fair trade organization, inproving the life conditions of our Artesans and promoting the art and culture.
Handmade organic cotton clothing; pants, blueses, skirts, alpaca natural fiber cloting, wraps, shawls, scarves, capes, sweaters. Fine art and craft. Pashminas. Hemp hats, hemp bags. Music for the andeas.
![]() www.ginaschatz.com |
The Schatz MethodTM is an integrated system and a proven remedy for pain relief developed by Gina Schatz that allows individuals to live pain and injury free, permanently.
The Schatz MethodTM as an educational tool empowers practitioners to navigate injuries by providing real functional anatomy solutions, not just modifications. |
![]() www.strongyoga4women.com/ |
Strong Yoga® 4Fertility is a fully comprehensive methodology geared to enhance fertility, which includes yoga asanas, pranayama, meditations, education on diet, nutrition and environmental impacts on fertility, and acupressure using the Strong Yoga® Fertility Ball Method™. It is designed to relax both mind and body, and to bring awareness and increased circulation to the reproductive organs. For more, visit: strongyoga4women.com |
![]() www.vyanayoga.com |
VYANA ~ Dedicated to spreading Illumination and Love
HastaPada; a multifunctional yoga belt with two stationary and one adjustable loop to hold either a hand, 2 fingers, your wrist or foot.
An essential yoga prop to enhance any style stage of your practice - hatha, therapeutic, restorative, vinyasa and flow with ease and efficability. Vedi*Vaahans (Altar your Ride) a portable charm to set your intention on the journey ahead. |
![]() yogafit.com/ |
YogaFit is the largest yoga fitness education school in the world with more than 200,000 instructors trained on six continents specifically designed for presentation in health clubs, fitness facilities or other group exercise locations.
The YogaFit style focuses on safety, accessibility and "yoga for everybody.” YogaFit is designed to improve the health, performance, and mental acuity of athletes or individuals interested in improving their level of fitness. Based on the ancient fitness science of hatha yoga, it blends balance, strength, flexibility and power in a fitness format. YogaFit overcomes the mystery of yoga by delivering a practical, user-friendly style, which is accessible, understandable, and doable by individuals at any level of fitness. |
![]() yogalifestyle.com/ |
Yoga Life Style and Bheka Yoga Supply provide high quality, consciously made and sourced props wholesale to therapists, teachers and non-profits. We are the exclusive North American distributor for the Mysore Back Bender and Mysore Inversion Strap. Bheka Bolsters are used and sold in Iyengar Studios throughout the US. |
Association and Affiliate Sponsors
![]() www.accahc.org |
The mission of ACCAHC is to create and sustain a network of national complementary and alternative medicine educational organizations and agencies, which will promote mutual understanding, collaborative activities and interdisciplinary health care education. |
![]() www.alzheimersprevention.org/ |
The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to preventing Alzheimer’s disease by funding research studies and providing educational outreach and memory screenings. To-date, the ARPF has sponsored 10 research projects, mostly on yoga and meditation as the optimum lifestyle approach to maintaining your brain sharp. Find out about the exciting results at our booth. The ARPF also offers monthly educational webinars, an Alzheimer’s Prevention Toolkit, newsletters, and upcoming trainings at www.alzheimersprevention.org. |
![]() www.yogatherapy.org.au |
The Australian Association of Yoga Therapists (AAYT) is an industry organisation which promotes professional standards for Australian Yoga Therapists, provides ongoing professional support to Yoga Therapists and represents Yoga Therapy as a recognised, professional and respected therapy. |
![]() www.featheredpipe.com/ |
The Feathered Pipe Foundation’s mission is to help people find their direction through access to programs and experiences that cultivate awareness of their truest selves; enrich spirit, mind, and body; explore the world’s wisdom and discoveries; and actively practice seva (service) to support healing, education, community and empowerment. |
![]() www.givebackyoga.org |
The Give Back Yoga Foundation, Inc. (“GBYF”), is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our mission is to support certified yoga teachers in all traditions to offer the teachings of yoga to under-served and under-resourced socio-economic segments of the community and inspire grassroots social change and community growth and cooperation. We have supported local and national programs for at-risk youth, veterans, prisoners, first responders and others. |
![]() www.ayurveda-nama.org/ |
The National Ayurvedic Medical Association is a national organization representing the Ayurvedic profession in The United States of America. Its mission is to preserve, protect, improve and promote the philosophy, knowledge, science and practice of Ayurveda for the benefit of humanity. |
![]() www.veteransyogaproject.org/ |
Veterans Yoga Project supports the mindful use of therapeutic yoga practices as a complementary part of the recovery process from PTSD and other psychological distress among veterans and active-duty military, their families, and their communities. |
![]() www.yogaalliance.org |
Yoga Alliance is the largest nonprofit association serving and representing yoga teachers, schools and studios in the U.S. Founded in 1999, the Yoga Alliance Registry establishes standards for the teaching of yoga, and provides internationally recognized credentials to 35,000 yoga teachers and 2,500 teacher-training programs across the globe. |
![]() www.yogacaps.org |
YogaCaps, Inc. is an all volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that builds a healthy community by making yoga more available and affordable. We share free classes for special populations at area hospitals and community centers, as well as donation based events for the general public. We specialize in therapeutic yoga experiences for those with chronic health and mental health conditions. |
![]() www.yogaservicecouncil.org |
The Yoga Service Council (YSC) is a non-profit membership organization whose mission is to support individuals and organizations to best serve and empower their communities through yoga and mindfulness. |
Media Sponsors
![]() www.iymagazine.org/ |
A quarterly journal for seekers who want to deepen their practice of Integral Yoga and their understanding of the many faith and wisdom traditions. |
![]() www.layogamagazine.com |
LA YOGA Ayurveda and Health Magazine’s home is in the innovative Yoga community of Southern California with a worldwide editorial reach. Monthly content includes a Yoga therapy column with rotating writers and points of view, Ayurvedic practices sadhana, the green yogi, sacred music and in-depth interviews. IAYT members receive a discount for the print magazine. Everyone can sign up for the free inspiring and evocative email newsletter integrating Yoga into a modern lifestyle. |
![]() www.somaticsed.com/magJournal.html |
For the past 20 years, Somatics magazine has provided a meeting ground for those who practice mind-body unification in their work and everyday lives. Since 1976, when Thomas Hanna founded the magazine, the field of somatics has grown enormously. The wisdom of the mind-body disciplines has become increasingly recognized and accepted in mainstream culture. |
![]() www.StudioLiveTV.com |
StudioLiveTV offers a secure private video portal that enables wellness conferences, yoga studios, and fitness clubs to stream their specialized content to a broader community. StudioLiveTV enables the student to connect with the teacher, the speaker to connect to the audience, regardless of the constraints of time and location. Through StudioLiveTV this content becomes available to everyone, opening up new opportunities, and creating a broader audience. Whether you are a researcher in integrated health, a yoga teacher learning about new technique, someone who is in need of targeted classes to support recovery, or you simply can’tmake it to class, StudioLiveTV will have a channel with videos for you. |
![]() www.yogachicago.com |
YOGAChicago is a bi-monthly free resource guide for yoga activities. Our goal is to provide a forum to share information related to yoga and spirituality. Copies may be found at bookstores, natural food stores, holistic health centers, libraries, park buildings, colleges and learning centers throughout the Chicago area and parts of Indiana and Wisconsin or read it online. |