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    SYR 2013
    is presented by
    The International
    Association of
    Yoga Therapists



Review/Edit RegistrationSYR 2013 REVIEW/EDIT REGISTRATION    

Step 1

Registration is closed for SYR 2013.

We look forward to welcoming you to SYR 2013!

You may review your selections and receive a reprinted confirmation email.

All the SYR sessions are now closed. If you need to make changes to your registration, please visit the SYR center at the Boston Marriott Newton hotel during the meeting. If possible the staff will assist you to make your desired changes. Thank you.

We will retrieve your SYR 2013 registration selections for your review.

The following selection changes you can make:
Meal Option

If you wish to add or to cancel a selection you will have to email our office at SYR2013registration@sytar.org

Please enter your email address that you used in your registration and click the "Next>>" button.


   Yes, I am a speaker at SYTAR 2007.