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    SYTAR 2013
    is presented by
    The International
    Association of
    Yoga Therapists



SYTAR's Front Line of Yoga Therapy 2013 keynote speakers bring a wide range and depth of knowledge, wisdom and experience to this conference.

Plenary Sessions
Ten plenary speakers broaden SYTAR’s Front Line of Yoga Therapy 2013 program with group, panel, and individual presentations on timely topics for the field of yoga therapy.

Common Interest Community Sessions
Intriguing fifteen-minute presentations based on “Ted Talks” format will get people talking! Themes: “Rehab Professionals: Bridging the Past with the Future" and “Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health”.

Competencies in Action
Twenty-four practice sessions supporting competencies in IAYT’s new Educational Standards for the Training of Yoga Therapists.

Ayurveda 101 for Yoga Therapists
Practitioners of both Ayurveda and yoga therapy present why and how Ayurveda and yoga therapy can work together to enhance the yoga therapy experience.

Morning Practices
Fifteen morning practices will be taught by SYTAR faculty.