S. Kuvalyananda
Scholarship Awards
SYR 2014
is presented by
The International
Association of
Yoga Therapists
Swami Kuvalyananda Scholarship Awards and
Travel Grants
Swami Kuvalyananda was the pioneer of scientific research in the field of Yoga. He established the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute in the year 1924, wherein he also started the first research journal of yoga, Yoga Mimamsa. The institute works in the field of yoga through scientific and philosophic literary research, training and therapy (www.kdham.com).
In honor of Swami Kuvalyananda, there are multiple scholarship award opportunities available to support your attendance at the 2014 Symposium on Yoga Research. All scholarship awards are based on the merit of your submitted research abstract. If you would like to be considered for one of the scholarships, please indicate this by clicking on the appropriate boxes on the abstract submission form.
There are four Swami Kuvalyananda Scholarship Awards based on research merit and the abstract score for people in North America. The awards will be used as travel subsidies. At least one of the awardees will be a student or recent graduate of a terminal degree.
We will identify the top four abstracts based on the abstract scores. The presenting author traveling to SYR of the top two abstracts will receive $238 in travel subsidies. The presenting author of the 3rd and 4th top abstracts will each receive $108 in travel subsidies.
The top abstract authored by a student or recent graduate (within the past three years) will receive a $108 scholarship award. If one of the top four abstracts is authored by a student or recent graduate, that author will receive an additional $108 in travel subsidies.
The Swami Kuvalyananda Award of $1200 will be available to the top abstract received from an author from India.
On the Abstract Submission Form there will be a check box for each of the following (check boxes coming soon).