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    SYTAR 2013
    is presented by
    The International
    Association of
    Yoga Therapists



SYTAR 2013 PROGRAM BY DAY     June 13 Thursday      June 14 Friday      June 15 Saturday      June 16 Sunday



June 14 Friday

7:00 - 8:00 AM               Concurrent Morning Practice Sessions

Morning Practice Session #MPF01
Wake Up with Yoga for Arthritis
Steffany Moonaz

Morning Practice Session #MPF02
Yoga Tune Up
Jill Miller and Trina Altman

Morning Practice Session #MPF03
Kripalu Yoga: Meditation in Motion
Hansa Knox Johnson

Morning Practice Session #MPF04
Stoking the Fire of Change: Tantra Hatha Yoga for Healing and Transformation
Marlysa Sullivan

Morning Practice Session #MPF05
Maximum Return - Less is More
Matra Raj

6:30 - 9:00 AM             Breakfast Buffet

9:00 AM - 9:30 PM      Exhibits Open

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM    Main Session

9:15 - 9:30 AM              Chanting and Blessing

9:30 - 10:30 AM           Plenary Sessions

Plenary Presentation
Integrating Yoga and Medicine: Fitting It Into the Clinic
Loren Fishman

Plenary Presentation.
Ashram Living: A Measured Dose of Structure and Support
Rolf Sovik

10:30 - 11:00 AM          Stretch Break

11:00 - 12:00 AM         Plenary Sessions, continued

Plenary Presentation
Modern Medicine Meets Ancient Wisdom: Yoga and Yoga Therapy at the Cleveland Clinic
Judi Bar and Mladen Golubic

Plenary Presentation
From 0 to 100 Hospitals in Three Years: The Expansion of Medical Yoga in Swedish Healthcare
Goran Boll

12:00 - 2:00 PM            Box Lunch and Break
                                         Lunch w/ the Editor: B. Grace Bullock, Editor in Chief, International Journal of Yoga Therapy. Picnic table with sign


Track TF01
Meditation in the Therapeutic Context
Sonia Nelson and Jim Reale

Track TF02
Synergic Medical and Yoga Treatment of Lower Back Pain
Loren Fishman

Track TF03
Relaxing the Impulse to Breathe
Rolf Sovik

Track TF04
Holistic Approach to Breathing Disorders: Combining Yoga, Ayurveda and Modern Medicine
Ganesh Mohan

Track TF05
Chanting: From the Inside Out
Hansa Knox Johnson

Track TF06
An Integrative Approach to Access and Arrive at Emotional Balance
Bo Forbes

3:45 - 4:15 PM              BREAK and VISIT EXHIBITS


Track TF07
Medical Yoga as Therapy in Swedish Hospitals
Goran Boll

Track TF08
Healing Relationships: Knowledge Makes a Therapist - Intuition Makes a Healer
Nischala Joy Devi

Track TF09
The Dynamic Diaphragm: An Exploration of Structure, Physiology and Embodiment
Jill Miller and Trina Altman

Track TF10
Neuroscience, Pain and Tantra Hatha Yoga
Marlysa Sullivan

Track TF11
Yoga and Yoga Therapy at Cleveland Clinic
Judi Bar

Track TF12
Mudras for Group and Individual Sessions
Joseph Le Page

Dinner on your own

7:30 - 9:00 PM Alumni Receptions and Special Interest Group Meetings. Tbd.
   American Viniyoga Institute - Charles River Room West
   Guru Ram Das Center for Yoga & Humanology - Charles River Room East
   Himalayan Institute - Commonwealth Salon 1 & 2
   Integrative Yoga Therapy - Grand Ballroom F-H
   YogaFit - Commonwealth Salon 3 & 4
   Accreditation Committee - Lexington

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